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Is it Really Mother’s Day…….. May 11, 2014

Posted by Waking Up With A Broken Heart in Infinite Pain, Love & Grief, Uncategorized.

This morning many will all wake up and think of and be thankful for the moms that gave us life.

We will thank God for all the blessings in our life,

For the beautiful children we have raised.


Some of us will hesitantly wake up

We will somehow get out of bed and wash the tears from our face……

We will go thru the motions of the day……

Waiting impatiently for the day to end.

We will smile and pretend that we are okay.

We will laugh when we have to,

Cry when we need to.


We will remember every single second of every single Mother’s Day we have spent with our precious children.

Then will remember how many years, months, days, minutes……seconds…..it has been since we felt our baby’s touch. How much we yearn to hear our baby’s voice. How much it hurts to know they will not be here today.

Today is Mother’s Day……

 Hug your mom

Send prayers to your Mom if she is no longer here and be thankful for the time you had together…..


Hug your children, Kiss them, enjoy them, savor every second with them, remember every laugh, every smile, every funny comment……

Bask in the infinite love your children bring you. Feel glory in every trying time as you try to figure out what comes next, what is right and what is wrong.

Rejoice in knowing that your child is happy & healthy………..

Proclaim your love for them. Relax as you watch them play, etching every scene into your memory………..

Hug your children

Kiss your babies

Savor every second with them

Thank your God for your good blessings…..

Then remember those, like me, who long for what you have……………………..




1. Jan Menary - May 11, 2014

Especially thinking of you and all the other Mothers who have lost their heart.


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